Apple Red Metal Flake on a Sportster
This sleek sportster has apple red metal flake all over. .004 flake is small but gives a high impact in the sun. Matching helmet looks great too!
Sky Blue Ducati Monster
Such a great picture of both rider and bike! This is Mike's wife on her Sky Blue Ducati Monster.
Candy Pearls on Purple Candy chopper
Sir Whistler’s Purple Candy Chopper I love it. Nothing but compliments from all the women. Guys are not too hip on the color. Who cares. One of a kind!!!! Purple candy pearl over black and a silver base coat. We at Paint With Pearl appreciate all of our customers who take the time to […]
Route 66 Harley by Gary Matoucha
Well its finally done… just in time for my ride from Texas to Calif and back, via the way of Route 66. The attached photos are my first paint job – this is a 1994 HD FLSTN that is set up as a FatBoy. The materials I used where the following: Candies: Black Gunmetal Pewter […]
Using Ghost Silver Pearls to Restore Wheels
Make your wheels look new again! Use pearls to restore wheels? Hey Guys, Thought I’d send you a picture of my first attempt at using your pearls in powder coating. This wheel was done with a black base coat with Silver Ghost Pearl and clear top coat. All powder. I’ve used your flakes before with […]