Using our Pigments and Pearls in Ceramic gun coatings

We have recently been selling to a lot of people using our pearls in Ceramic gun coatings gun finishes. Well we had to check into it. Behold! We found that everyone selling pigments for use in Ceramic gun coatings were actually our old customers! Upon further investigation, we found many pictures on the ‘net of our products on various guns.  Just do a search for Bright Orange Candy Pearl (a product of ours). So knowing what we know, we can safely say that our Candy Pearls ®, Ghost Pearls ®, and Chameleon Pearls ® are all completely compatible with Ceramic gun coatings. Specifically matte and High Gloss clears. We don’t recommend using Thermochromic pigments because of the high temperatures, but people have used them in lower temperature cures with success. Amazing effects can be achieved using our Glow in the Dark Pigments or even the Safety Reflective pigments. Whether you are coating for safety or beauty, use Paint With Pearl products in your Ceramic gun coatings gun coatings for years of durability.

Easy How To’s

  • Create your own color of Ceramic gun coatings by mixing any of our custom paint colors directly into matte or gloss finish CLEAR Ceramic gun coatings. We recommend 1 25g bag of Candy or Chameleon per sprayable quart of clear, or 1 25g bag Ghost Pearl per gallon, So just a little bit goes a long way.
  • Follow the Ceramic gun coatings video for best practices involving spraying and application of the product.
  • Remember, all of our Custom paint Pearls, Candies, Chameleons have high temperature thresholds and work in Ceramic gun coatings.  Even our Glow In the Dark pigments have been used in high temperature applications.

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